It's Monday, Y'all

Good morning! How do you all like my new layout? I wanted something spring-y to cheer me up since it seems like spring will never come to Michigan...

This is just going to be a quick post this morning, since I've still got to finish up some homework before heading to the day job. I just wanted to share with everyone this adorable award that Elizabeth Mueller made for all of the A-Z participants.

She is currently making her rounds through the almost 1300 participants to personally give them this award. Now THAT'S dedication! Thanks a million, Elizabeth!

Also, during the chaotic month of April, Deirdre over at A Storybook World, gave me this gorgeous award:

Thanks, Deirdre!

Alright, so that wraps up this post. I'm off to take care of some business! Happy Monday, everyone!

Things 1, 2 and 3

I've got to get ready for a long day of work (oh, joy!) but I've got a few things to mention really quick.

Thing 1:

Rachel @ Rachel Morgan Writes gave me this award:

I'm going to pass it on to all of my wonderfully amazing followers. Thanks, Rachel!

Thing 2:

Rachna @ Rachna's Scriptorium gave me this award:

With this one, I have to share a few things about myself, so let's see...

1. October is my favorite month. I love the cooler weather, the changing leaves and the excitement leading up to NaNoWriMo.
2. I love pizza. Mushrooms, pepperoni and pineapple, please.
3. I love to write by hand. My handwriting is loopy and crooked and super-messy. Sometimes I can't even read what I've written. But I never feel closer to the creative process than when I've got a pen in my hand.
4. My favorite book as a kid was Charlotte's Web. Ironically, spiders scare the bejeezus out of me now.
5. I do some of my best plot planning while cleaning the house.

Again, anyone feel free to snag this one. I look forward to reading your tidbits of info! Thank you, Rachna!

Thing 3:

Sticky Note Stories has started a NaNoWriMo Blogchain. If you're participating in this year's NaNo, mosey on over and sign up!

I believe that about wraps it up. Off to work I go. Have a good Wednesday!