Happy NaNoWriMo Eve!

For all the average, every day folks out there, today is Halloween. For those folks,

For us writers, it's NaNoWriMo Eve.

I'm so excited/nervous/panicked I can barely sit still. I feel like I'm ready, but who knows? Either way, it's going to be AWESOME!

I spent the last few days cleaning the house. I've even got the laundry all caught up -- which, if you know me, is huge. I HATE doing laundry. I think I've officially NaNo-proofed my house. It should hold up fairly well throughout November.

What about you? Did you have a list of things to get done before November? If so, did you get them done?

I signed up to participate in the Writing Space Blogfest hosted by the awesome Summer. Tomorrow, I'll post pictures of my writing space so you all can see where the magic happens. Okay, where the magic happens sometimes. It should be fun.

One last thing. If you haven't yet, be sure to jump over to Sticky Note Stories and sign up for the NaNo Bloggers Blogchain. It's a great way to keep in touch with fellow Wrimos!

Anyway, I have a few last minute NaNo-related things to finish up before I head to the kick-off party for my region. Dana's going with me and I'm pretty excited. I missed last year's kick-off and I haven't been to a meeting in a very long time. I can't wait!

I'll see you tomorrow with a double entry: The Writing Space Blogfest and my Monday Mixtape, NaNo Playlist Edition.

Have a safe and happy Halloween!