Someone's Getting a Facelift

I am currently elbow-deep in my second round of revisions. After my first run through the entire novel, I had a list of things I either didn't like or just didn't work. A list two pages long.

Among the changes I am making this round:

* I deleted the first 7,000 words. SEVEN. THOUSAND. It physically hurt to hit the Delete key.

* I'm moving a scene from Chapter 6 to Chapter 1 and reworking the entire first chapter to introduce the main players and maybe strengthen my main character.

* I'm taking an entire family of characters out. My main character had too many brothers, so I gave the eldest the ax -- along with his wife and two kids.

So, lots of huge changes really early in the revision process. I'm starting to wish I'd taken a month away from this novel before diving right into revisions. Distance is something I could certainly use. Especially with deleting those characters. I was kind of attached to Mari's sister-in-law!

I'm also considering a name change. I'm not sure I'm loving Mari's name. I've already changed her name once (she was originally Izzy). Also, Mari comes off to me as a really weak main character. She definitely needs some work!

It's an overwhelming process. But splitting it into stages is definitely making it less daunting. I don't think I'm going to write any Wanderlust posts until next month -- I know, I know, you're all devastated! I really enjoy writing them, but I want to focus on getting this book into shape by the end of the month. The entire project needs a facelift!

By the way, thank you to everyone who commented on my last entry! The tips and words of encouragement were really helpful!