Chock-Full of Awardy Goodness

Okay, so my brain is mostly mush these days on account of all the editing I've been doing. Actually, Chapter 5 required an entire rewrite so...yeah. That was fun.

Today's post is a kind of cop-out. BUT! It's chock-full of awardy goodness!

Okay, okay. So I didn't technically receive these awards. But they were passed on to anyone who hadn't received them yet soooo...that's me!*

*Side note: Forgive my squirreliness. I'm a little keyed up because I'm off for five days after work today and my birthday is on Tuesday. Not to mention I just had cookies for breakfast.

First up is the Creative Writer Blogger Award. I yanked this award from Cherie Reich For this award, I'm supposed to nominate 7 other bloggers, but I also have to tell you 7 things about myself. Either 6 outrageous truths and 1 outrageous lie or 1 outrageous truth and 6 outrageous lies. I'm gonna tell you 6 truths and a lie and leave you to figure out which is the lie.

1. I was a late bloomer. I didn't even have my first kiss till I was about 22.
2. When I was 11, I formed a girl-group with my 2 best friends. We were sure we were gonna be huge stars!
3. I love Jim Carrey. In fact, my dog is named after one of his characters -- Ace Ventura.
4. I'm addicted to music. My computer's hard drive groans under the weight of all the mp3s it holds.
5. To this day, I swear that I'm haunted and that there's a ghost that follows me wherever I move to.
6. I have an unhealthy addiction to purses -- I own over a hundred and they all have names.
7. I hate shoes and will avoid wearing them at any cost.

There ya have it. Can you guess which one is the lie?

The next award is the Live is Good Award, courtesy of Jaydee Morgan With this one, I get to answer a few questions -- I promise to answer truthfully!

1. What's your favorite genre to read? Ever since I was about 12 or 13 I've been addicted to romance. I started off with Harlequins and now I devour anything romantic. It's also what I write.

2. If you couldn't write in the genre you do, what genre would you write in? I have always had this secret desire to write a murder mystery kind of thing.

3. Pepsi or Coke? I used to HATE Pepsi. Now, I love it. Coke is too bubbly for me!

4. How do you spend your Sundays? On the Sundays I don't work, I usually spend them hanging around the house, catching up on chores and reading and writing. Oh, and I ALWAYS read Postsecret.

5. Penguin or giraffe? I can't choose!

6. What type of vehicle do you drive? I actually don't have my driver's license yet. I know, I know! I'll be 27 on Tuesday and I don't have my driver's license! I'm a freak!

7. Would you lick a battery if your life depended on it? I'd do a lot of things if my life depended on it.

8. When do you like to write - in the morning, the afternoon, or the evening? I used to think I was a night writer, but I have recently discovered I get a lot more done in the morning.

9. Which do you like more - Facebook or Twitter? I just recently jumped on the Facebook wagon but I like it more than Twitter -- although it is fun to follow celebs!

10. If you get hurt (like a scrape on the knee or break your arm), do you ask for a band-aid? I hardly think a band-aid would help a broken arm, but if I've scraped my knee or cut my finger on something yet again (which ALWAYS happens) I definitely whine for a band-aid.

And the last award is, again, from Jaydee. It's the Versatile Blogger Award, which -- again -- requires me to tell you a few things about myself. Let's see if I can do this without ruining the truth or lie list above!

1.I love LeAnn Rimes. Not really sure why, but I have been a fan since I was 13.
2. Gilmore Girls is my version of happy pills. When I'm sad or upset, I just pop in a dvd and I'm good to go.
3. I hate hats and will burn my work hat the day I quit (or get fired!).
4. Other than writing, I haven't the faintest idea what I want to do with my life. At all.
5. I love the water. If I could, I would live on the beach all spring, summer and fall.
6. I've been keeping a journal since I was 10. I've got a box full of them in my closet. I'll probably never read them. Who wants to read about their adolescent crushes and teenage angst?
7. I love the way my toes look all painted and pretty but I can't ever be bothered getting them done.

And there we have it. I'm gonna take a cue from the Jaydee and Cherie and toss these awards to anyone who hasn't gotten them yet!

And now I must go back to the trenches. Chapter 6 isn't gonna fix itself!