I Like Rain

It's a dreary Saturday morning. The skies are gray and cloudy and hold the promise of rain and the breeze is cool and wet. Maybe this is a bad thing to some of you -- the ones that have Monday through Friday jobs, perhaps, and are bummed that your first day off is so gloomy. But I was excited to see this when I looked outside this morning. Saturdays at the BK Lounge are the worst days to work. I don't know what it is, but I swear to you, people lose about half their brain cells on the days that begin with "S". It is SO HARD to be patient on a Saturday afternoon. So when I saw the potential for rain, I did a little dance. Maybe everyone will stay home!

Then again, now that I've said it...

I wrote yesterday. Real, actual fiction-y words! Granted, it was only a few hundred words, but I was thrilled. Even though I'm pretty sure they were of the Suck variety. But writing is writing and I wrote, darn it! It occurred to me that a good portion of my WiP is going to need a lot of overhauling. I write Romance/Chick Lit-y novels, and in this particular project, my two main characters don't even KISS till about 65k in. WTF, right? What was I thinking? How does that even make sense? I sure do have my work cut out for me.

Okay, I have half an hour to get ready for work, so I should probably do that. I hope everyone has an awesome Saturday! Sorry if you have icky weather that isn't making you do a happy dance!