A-Z Opt Out

Tomorrow starts the A-Z Blogfest and I'm sad to say, I don't think I'll be participating. I want to. I really want to. But I've got so much going on right now that I don't think I have time. I'll definitely enjoy seeing what everyone comes up with, though. I'm sure it's going to be a blast! I seriously can't wait until this semester is over. I've been behind in my math class for pretty much the entire semester, and I've prepared more than one of my speeches VERY last minute. I'm drowning in homework and so stressed I'm sure I've gotten a ton of new gray hairs (ya know, beneath the dye). On top of homework, I haven't written a single word on either of my WIPs. I've got a few more tweaks in one of them before its finished, and I'm dying -- DYING -- to get to it. Alas, homework and work hogs all my time. I really miss writing. All this time away from it is making me sad. On a brighter note, I can cross one thing off from my New Year's Resolution list! I GOT MY LICENSE!!! After years without it and two (yes, two) failed road tests, I am on the road. And I can't believe I didn't get my license sooner. I mean, how did I live without it?