A is for Am I CRAZY?

So here we are. April 1st. Where did March go? Or February, for that matter? Seems like the whole year is flying by...

Ahem. I'm getting off track here.

So, I'm one of the ambitious people who've signed up for the A-Z Blogfest. 26 posts throughout the month of April, in alphabetical order. Which means I'll have to post six days a week. I barely manage one post a week! And now I've hopped on this crazy train, all while juggling work and school and finishing that daggone book I started way back in November.

So the question I pose is: Am I crazy? Am I absolutely insane. Gone off my rocker? Did I fall from the walnut tree?

Okay, you get the picture.

It's going to be a challenge, no doubt about it. But here's the thing: I'm looking forward to it.

A-Z Blogfest: Bring it on!