A Few Great Links

A dreary Tuesday morning. There's a ton of new snow outside and I'd love nothing more at this moment than to stay inside all day and catch up on all the shows on my DVR that I didn't watch during November. But, no. I have to get up, get dressed and get to work. Isn't being a grown-up fun?

Really quick, though. I've been hoarding blog posts I've enjoyed for weeks now and I thought it would be a good day to share them. So, here goes:

Natalie over at Between Fact and Fiction wrote this awesome post: What I Really Want to Say to New Writers. Lots of great advice here, for new and experienced writers alike.

Here's a great post from Paperback Writer for those of us who participated in NaNo: NaNo Now What?

Charity at My Writing Journey has rounded up a list of upcoming blogfests for those who are interested in participating: Quick Blogfest List

Erin at Quitting My Day Job shared a lovely story about being The Favorite Granddaughter. It reminded me of my own grandma and warmed my heart.

An awesome post at Kristen Lamb's blog: Writers Reality Check

That seems to be it. I thought I had lots more, but I must have lost them. Ah, well. I need to get a move on anyway. Have a great Tuesday, everyone. And, if you're buried under ten feet of snow, like those of us here in Michigan, stay warm and safe!