Whining and Blogging Experiments.

Wait, what's this? Two posts in two days? Now, that's just weird.

Yesterday was a kind of cop-out post. This one's similar. I just signed up for The Great Blogging Experiment, hosted by Elana Johnson, Jen @ unedited and Alex J. Cavanaugh. The whole idea is, everyone that signs up will write a post about the same topic. It takes place this Friday, September 24th. It's a really cool concept and I'm looking forward to reading everyone's take on the chosen topic. So, there ya have it. On Friday, I'll be blogging about Writing Compelling Characters.

If you're interested, mosey on over to Elana's blog to sign up.

So, I've spent the entire morning putting around on the internet, reading various blogs. I totally should have been writing, but these days, I'll do anything to avoid it. It's a sad, scary thing, this new found dislike of my writing. I don't really know what to do about it. Every time I pull out Chapter Three, I instantly get irritated and I just don't want to do it. It's stupid, really. All I need to write for Chapter Three is an end scene -- and a good chunk of it is already written! So what the heck is my problem? I'm being ridiculous. I know it. You know it. We all know it. Hopefully, I'll get this issue resolved soon. I just want to get over the mountainous hump that is Chapter Three and I think I'll be fine. Do any of you have suggestions on how to manage this? I'm desperate, so if your suggestion involves standing on my head while chewing cotton candy flavored gum and humming Poker Face, I'll do it!

Anyway, I need to get ready for work. It's gonna be a long day. But Glee is on tonight! I am a total Gleek.