Ten Commandments

Right, so I have been a blogging maniac lately. I think it's my semi-constructive way of procrastinating. After all, writing is writing, even if it's just random dribble. Right?

Anyway, this is a really quick post. I've been reading The Pocket Muse and came across this list. I thought it would be nice to share with all you fellow writers.

Ten Commandments for a Happy Writing Life

1. Don't wait for inspiration; establish a writing habit.
2. Take time off.
3. Read voraciously.
4. Shut out the inner critic.
5. Claim a space.
6. Claim some time.
7. Accept rejection.
8. Expect success.
9. Live fully.
10. Wish others well.

And now I'm off to write a bit before work. Happy Thursday, everyone!